Shower Yourself with Riches!

January 25, 2017 at 2:59 pm

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A shower can do more harm than good!  That’s right…you heard me!  Let me start by asking a question:  would you drink your shower water?  If you already have a good filter attached to your shower head, or if you’re showering with pristine water from a pristine source (which is getting harder and harder to find these days), then you could theoretically answer yes.  If the answer is no, well the, why not?  If you are showering without a good filter, you’re probably harming yourself more than even drinking unfiltered, unpurified water.  This is not to say that drinking tap water’s gonna kill you.  Tap water in cities like New York, Singapore and elsewhere, all things considered, is pretty darn good.  But to maximally-optimize your resources, knowledge and experience, to experience the degree of success that you aspire to, it would do you well to seriously consider getting your shower a filter.  It could mean the difference between success and failure, even between life and death.  At the very least, it will improve the quality of your life and every aspect of it!  I’m not even close to kidding.  I’m wondering if you appreciate the harmful, hazardous…potentially lethal effects of flouride and chlorine in your life.  When you do, and I’m certain many of you reading this already have, will come to understand just how important proper water filtration is, and that unfiltered shower water can be one of the major obstacles standing between you and success, optimal health and peak performance.  This is why effective water filtration and intake should be a major part of any success/wealth/peak performance-based seminar or training, and why it is a major part of Module I in the M.O.S.T. Seminar program.